Saturday, September 4, 2010

a life

Facebook makes me jealous. But only because I have cool friends. And they have pretty sweet lives. I log on, and find a childhood friend just got back from Norway. A college buddy is working on a fishing boat in the Berring Sea. I have a friend who works for the Parks Service in Montana. I am happy for them. Really. But sometimes I'm jealous.

The thing is, my life doesn't suck. I went to college in Alaska. I've traveled. Matt and I lived in Europe one summer. And now, I have my own beautiful place.

I'm an innkeeper in Vermont. And I'm sure there are administrative assistants in New Jersey, Sanitation workers in Phoenix or Customer Service Agents in Miami who would love to have my job.

Most of my guests would take my job if I offered it. Or at least that's what they tell me. Getting up at 6 am to bake banana bread and cleaning ten bathrooms a day might change their tune, but whatever. The thing is, it hasn't really changed mine. I am honestly not complaining. I know how lucky I am. I like this job. I like this place. This is without a doubt, the best gig I've ever had.

I'm just wondering. Does everybody do this? It's like that song in The Little Mermaid...
'the seaweed is always greener... in somebody else's lake.'

And it seems that maybe the crab was right. I'm working hard, meeting people and having fun in a place cool enough to attract vacationers. I'm not taking it for granted, I promise. In terms of the seaweed metaphor, my shit is green.

But I think no matter what shade of seaweed I'm currently viewing, I'll wonder if there isn't some greener variety out there.

I will always look at the vista-framed pictures of my globe-trotting friends and wonder if I would be happier on THAT mountain top.

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